
Thursday, February 05, 2015

So-called "human rights" lawyer to testify on behalf of PLO terrorists

From Wikipedia:
Michael Sfard is a lawyer specializing in international human rights law and the laws of war. He has served as counsel in various cases on these topics in Israel. Sfard has represented a variety of Israeli and Palestinian human rights and peace organizations, movements and activists at the Israeli Supreme Court....Sfard and his law office provide legal counsel for Yesh Din. Sfard is also the legal counsel for Peace Now.
Yesh Din? Peace Now? Well, they care about justice, don't they?

Now, in New York, there is a trial for a lawsuit against the PLO for their support of terror act during the second intifada.

According to NRG, the PLO will be calling Michael Sfard as a witness for their side. (Also Hanan Ashrawi, who is founder and chairperson of Miftah, which has praised terrorists in the past.)

How can a self-proclaimed human rights lawyer defend an organization being sued for blowing people up? What exactly does defending terrorists have to do with human rights?

Apparently, for leftists like Sfard, "human rights" means that Arabs have the human right to blow up Jews, and Jews clearly do not have the human rights to object to being blown up.

It's all so simple.

(h/t Yenta)