
Thursday, February 05, 2015

"Jihad against Israel is the only thing that unites Arabs"


Speaking on the Lebanese Mayadeen TV channel on January 31, 2015, Abd Al-Bari Atwan, former editor-in-chief of the London-based newspaper "Al-Quds Al Arabi," said: "All our guns must be turned toward that enemy [Israel], regardless of our differences, because this is the only thing that unites us."

Following is an excerpt:

Abd Al-Bari Atwan: In my view, Jihad must be directed, first and foremost, against the Israeli enemy. This is the enemy about which there is a consensus. Arabs who do not think that Israel is an enemy are neither Arabs nor Muslims. Our compass must point toward that enemy. All our guns must be turned toward that enemy, regardless of our differences, because this is the only thing that unites us.
"So if Arab unity is important to us, we've got to kill more Jews! It's the only thing we can agree on!"