
Thursday, November 13, 2014

UN extends "East Jerusalem" for propaganda purposes

From the UN OCHA:
On 29 October, an Israeli rabbi and settler leader of the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation was shot and severely injured, reportedly by a 32-year-old Palestinian man from At Thuri neighborhood, in East Jerusalem. The latter is allegedly affiliated with the Islamic Jihad movement. Later that night, in the context of an arrest operation, Israeli forces killed the suspected perpetrator, during an exchange of fire with him, according to Israeli media.

This incident further fueled existing tensions and clashes across East Jerusalem which have been on the rise since the last summer.  Since 1 July 2014, four Palestinian have been killed and 1,333 injured including 80 children by Israeli forces in East Jerusalem; during this period, three Israelis were killed and another 65, including 33 civilians, were injured by Palestinians in the same area. 
The Begin Center, where Glick was shot, is west of the old Green Line.

The UN is trying to pretend that Palestinian terrorism is all a result of "occupation" so it has an interest in lying about where they do their attacks to justify that fiction.

Of course, few reporters question anything the UN releases.