
Monday, September 01, 2014

Most of Ken Roth's most popular tweets are anti-Israel lies

From MyTopTweet: analyzes any Twitter account to show you their most retweeted tweets! We look at the past 3200 tweets sent by the account to show you their top 10 tweets.
I decided to check what the most popular tweets of Human Rights Watch's Ken Roth.

Surprise! Not only are 8 of his top ten tweets anti-Israel, but most of those are lies!

Number 1 with nearly 9000 retweets:

#5 was the same graphic with the text "Israel precision fire killing 4.9 times as many #Gaza civilians as fighters. Who's the target?"

#10 was again the same graphic, with this text:
Palestinians killed: more kids (129) than militants (86). 4.7x as many civilians as militants.

All of these are lies. The ratio of civilians to fighters is closer to 1:1 than 4.7:1, and Roth's insinuation that the IDF was targeting civilians with their precision weapons is beneath contempt.

His other anti-Israel tweets in the top ten:


While perhaps the BBC correspondent didn't see anything, Ken Roth knows that under the definition of human shields accepted by international humanitarian law, Hamas uses human shields.


There is nothing shameful about opposing the disgraceful targeting of Israel by the UNHRC, which spends more time on Israel than every other country combined. Just like Ken Roth!

#7 was this gem:

Oops indeed. Hamas has since admitted multiple times that it was behind the kidnapping, and Roth never corrected his false (and condescending) tweet.


Ah, the old "Gaza as prison" slander. The prison with beaches, shopping malls and water parks. Funny how no one is concerned over Egypt's allowing fewer Gazans to cross their border than Israel allows to cross into Israel. This is a perfect tweet for liars like Ken Roth!


To take this apart would require an entire post of its own, but suffice it to say that Roth is quoting The Atlantic which implies that Israel uses a calculus to kill civilians that was in fact written by a New York professor in the WSJ in a flawed pro-Israel op-ed. It doesn't. 

These are only the tip of the iceberg. Roth has been attacking Israel regularly and giving Hamas every benefit of the doubt. It has nothing to do with human rights and everything to do with Roth's psychotic need to demonize the Jewish state (which means to downplay Hamas war crimes.)

Interestingly, if you look at Human Rights Watch's most popular tweets, not one of them is about Israel or Gaza. Roth seems to have a singular appetite for targeting Israel - often using sarcasm and condescension that proves his disgusting bias.