
Sunday, August 17, 2014

My list of Hamas violations of int'l law makes it to the UN

From the Simon Wiesenthal Center:

August 14, 2014

At yesterday's meeting at the United Nations, senior officials of the Simon Wiesenthal Center presented United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon a document (read letter and document here) expressing concerns about Hamas' campaign of terror against Israel, and a review of the terrorist group's multiple violations of International Law, including the willful use of Gaza civilians as human shields resulting in massive casualties and the destruction of homes, schools, hospitals and even UN facilities.

Despite these violations by Hamas, the officials said that Israel still receives the brunt of international condemnation even from within the UN community, contributing to an alarming increase of anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel throughout the world.
The document that they attached looked mighty familiar...

It was copied from my list of 19 ways Hamas has violated international law.

While I would have preferred that they checked with a real international law scholar first, I'm reasonably confident that everything mentioned is accurate.

Plus, there is no downside. The UN cannot exactly respond by saying that "Oh, Hamas is only violating 14 of the 19 laws you are mentioning!"

The fact is that the UN and every major NGO will only condemn Hamas rocket attacks, and none of their other violations of international law. That way they pretend to be "even-handed" when they are really looking for an excuse to spend 99% of their time bashing Israel, which isn't violating international law!