
Tuesday, August 05, 2014

"May Allah curse them" - Gazans hate Hamas, but most are are afraid to say so

From CBN:

Catholic News reports:

The bombings are not the only thing worrying the small Christian community in Gaza, Father Hernandez said.

Hamas is very strong in Gaza, he said, "and that makes people afraid that if the conflict continues for a long time -- which it looks it will if someone does not come and stop it -- there will be popular reaction against the Christians, as they have seen happen in other conflicts in the region."

"When (the militants) see they are threatened and are going to lose, they usually go against the weaker segment of the population," the priest said.

In addition, he said, before Operation Protective Edge began, an extremist Islamic group active in Iraq and Syria had demonstrated in Gaza.

"So you can see up to what level of fanaticism there is here, and people know that and (people) are afraid," he said.

Father Hernandez described as a "cocktail" of very extreme forces present in Gaza and said the tiny Christian population was worried because of what they have seen happen to Christian communities in Syria and Iraq.

(h/t Irene)