
Friday, June 20, 2014

Arabs spin a Tzipi Livni / Al Jazeera / World Cup sex scandal

Readers of this blog know that Arabs have long been floating rumors that Tzipi Livni has had sex with Arab leaders for the purpose of blackmailing them when she was with the Mossad. (Livni had said the opposite, that she never slept with the enemy as an agent.)

Soon the rumor morphed into Livni sleeping with Saeb Erekat and other Palestinian Arab negotiators, with the Mossad threatening them with revealing their sweaty naked bodies on YouTube.

A couple of months ago, George Galloway renewed and upped the rumor, now claiming that Livni bragged about sleeping with hundreds of men while with the Mossad to blackmail them.

Now, a Palestinian Arab newspaper has figured out why Israel can broadcast the World Cup for free - causing an estimated 10 million Arabs to watch the Hebrew version rather than paying for the Al Jazeera version. And Livni's supposed voracious sexual habits are a part of it.

According to Shfa News, the only way that Israel can afford to broadcast the tournament is because Israel cut a deal with Qatar, which owns Al Jazeera, which owns NBN, which is the exclusive provider of the video feed for the Arab world.

The story is that Israel is getting the rights to broadcast the World Cup directly from Al Jazeera for free, because Tamim bin Hamad, the leader of Qatar, wants to humiliate the Arab world into watching the Hebrew broadcast instead of paying Al Jazeera.

And why is Qatar providing the feed to Israel for free? Because Tzipi Livni used to sleep with the former Foreign Minister and Prime Minister of Qatar, Hamad bin Jassim  al Thani, and he instructed Al Jazeera to do so!

An "informed source" confirmed that Al-Jazeera has decided to give Israel the right to broadcast World Cup matches on the IBA channel for free to be beamed from the Amos satellite.

Ah, but you may ask, if Al Jazeera is providing the feed to Israel, then where is its logo?  The answer is that the Qatar leaders are so eager to humiliate Arabs, that they are sending a "clean feed" without their logo, so Israeli networks can put their own logo on instead!

While Doha is giving the feed to Israel for free, the source says, it refused huge sums of payment from Arab countries for them to broadcast it to their citizens gratis. Egypt offered 20 million Egyptian pounds, and was turned down, this source says.

Obviously, this is all because of Livni's blackmail of her former lover al-Thani.

It is all so clear!