
Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Anti-BDS hero of the day: Saul Zabar

Anti-Israel group Adalah-NY writes:
On Sunday, April 6, our first day of flyering outside Zabar's, 94 people signed our petition asking Zabar's to deshelve SodaStream, including at least one Israeli who signed in Hebrew. Many were familiar with SodaStream's operations in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied Palestinian territories, and thanked us for being there and standing up for human rights. Others were less supportive, and the disagreement sparked spirited discussion among shoppers and passersby alike. We handed out almost 500 postcards with information about the boycott of SodaStream, and encouraged people to mail them to Zabar's.

At one point, owner Saul Zabar came out of the store. When asked why he did not respond to our request for a meeting, he responded, "I didn't think you were worth it." He informed us that he will not be de-shelving SodaStream.

All the more reason for us to go out there again!
Sure, if you like to waste all your weekends on a lost cause, go for it!

I believe this is Saul Zabar telling the BDSers that they are worthless (UPDATE: This isn't Saul.)

Zabar's, while not an exclusively kosher store, does sell a number of kosher gift baskets for Jewish holidays. They have been selling Sodastream since 2010.

Saul is about 85 years old now, gives to Jewish charities, and knows how to run his business. The likelihood that he would cave to a bunch of Israel haters handing out postcards filled with lies is pretty much zero.

(h/t Avi Mayer)