
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

IDF finds gun in girl's "princess" backpack at checkpoint

From the IDF:

Last night, IDF forces found an improvised firearm during a search in the Jordan Valley. The Palestinian suspect had concealed the weapon in a child’s bookbag, which the forces discovered inside of his vehicle.

Late Tuesday evening, a battalion from the IDF’s Kfir Brigade discovered an improvised firearm and ammunition inside of a Palestinian vehicle during a routine inspection in the Jordan Valley. The weapon was found inside of a child’s bookbag at a checkpoint not far from the driver’s home. “The driver aroused suspicion after a preliminary search,” said Captain Sefi Mor, an IDF company commander involved in the inspection. “He seemed anxious, so we decided to perform a comprehensive search of the vehicle.”

Each day, thousands of people pass through the checkpoint, which is located on a major traffic artery in the Jordan Valley. Because of the high potential for terrorism and weapons smuggling, IDF forces stationed at the checkpoint are constantly on alert for threats. Last night, the same battalion detained another suspect who attempted to pass through the checkpoint.

About a month and a half ago, forces at the checkpoint discovered an explosive device in another Palestinian vehicle. “A large number of people pass through the checkpoint to get to work in the Jordan Valley, and we check anyone who seems suspicious,” Cpt. Mor said.

During the past several months, the Kfir battalion has been stationed in the Jordan Valley. In addition to their work at the checkpoint, the soldiers have carried out several arrests and weapons searches in the area. “It’s clear to the battalion’s fighters that their mission is to defend civilians and allow them to sleep safely at night,” Cpt. Mor added.
According to the calculus of Israel's critics, the inconvenience of these checkpoints is much more important than IDF accomplishments like these.

Because, you understand, these critics are so damn moral, as opposed to the monstrous IDF, which is merely saving lives.