
Monday, November 11, 2013

Questions for Hugh Robertson of the British Foreign Office

From WAFA:
The newly appointed British Foreign Office Minister for the Middle East, Hugh Robertson, Wednesday called at the conclusion of a visit to occupied Palestinian territories for avoiding what he described as provocative actions in holy places.

Robertson, who has visited Jerusalem’s Old City including al-Haram al-Sharif, the site of al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, said that discussing the situation of Jerusalem’s holy sites with President Mahmoud Abbas, “We agreed that, given the particular sensitivities, provocative actions in these holy sites pose a risk to the peace process and must be avoided.”

Palestinians have warned that continued Israeli efforts to change the status quo in al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest Muslim site, by dividing it between Muslims and Jews and the ongoing provocative tours by Jewish fanatics of the mosque yards could leave a dangerous impact on life in the city.
The quotes are confirmed by the FCO website. (h/t Ian)

So, Mr. Robertson, can you define what is considered "provocative"?

Because Jews who visit the Temple Mount have been quiet and respectful, even when they decide to pray there. The Muslims, however, have on many occasions thrown stones and chairs and chanted insults at the peaceful Jews. They have rioted when they think that too many Jews have ascended to Judaism's holiest spot.

So please explain to the world, Mr. Robertson, when Jews are walking quietly on their holiest site - forced to be protected by Israeli guards because of the risk of wild Muslim rioters tearing them limb from limb - are the Jews the ones who are acting "provocatively"? Or, perhaps, sometimes, the Muslim rioters are?

Given that you seem to have made this statement at the behest of the Palestinian Arabs, it sure sounds like you are saying that  Jews by their very presence are acting provocatively on the Temple Mount, and therefore must be banned. Is that what you are saying?

Do you agree with the PA that these Jews are acting provocatively?

Do you agree with the PA that these women chanting threats to Jews on the Temple Mount, threatening them with war,  are behaving properly?

Do you agree with the PA that these Jews are acting provocatively and must be banned?

Do you agree with the PA that these people stepping on Stars of David are acting properly and their rights are being trampled upon by Jews on the Temple Mount?

Beyond that, are you saying that Jews should be banned from praying on the Temple Mount, which would violate a number of basic human rights principles?

If that is indeed what you are saying, and it sure sounds like you are, it shows far more about the British Foreign Office than you might have intended to reveal.

Is there any reporter out there who can ask these very simple questions to the esteemed Mr. Robertson?