
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Off topic Beatles trivia question

It's been a few years since I did my last Beatles trivia question (which was "How many Beatles songs have the lyrics "yeah, yeah, yeah" - I thought of 5, my niece came up with #6, see here for the answers).

Since Sunday is a light blog day, here's a new one:

What do these Beatles songs have in common?
  • Can't Buy Me Love
  • A Hard Day's Night
  • Hey Jude
  • Got to Get You Into My Life
  • Savoy Truffle
  • Here Comes the Sun
  • Something
I believe that this list is complete, meaning that every other song does not have the attribute I am thinking of.

Bizarre hint: "It's Only Love" is not on this list, although some mistakenly think it should be.

It is fun to try to find trivia questions where Google is next to useless :)

Answer tomorrow unless someone figures it out first.

UPDATE: Answer here.