
Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Another victim of the "playground of death"

I had missed this over the holiday, from the Hamas Al Qassam Brigades website:
    Military Communiqué
    Al Qassam Brigades mourns the death of Abed Al Kareem Fayyad
    As Al Aqsa Intifada against the occupation assault on the Gaza Strip continues, Ezzeddeen Al-Qassam Brigades has its best men to be in the playground of death to defend their people from any attack by the enemy ... Today, Al-Qassam Brigades mourn the death of the mujahed:
    Abed Al Kareem Asaad Fayyad (21 years old)
    Khanyounis city–  Gaza Strip
    The mujahid passed away after he was shot accidentally. He was martyred after a long bright path of jihad, hard work, struggle and sacrifice.
    Al Qassam Brigades mourn the death of the mujahed, reaffirms the commitment and determination to continue the resistance against the belligerent occupation forces.
    May Allah (SWT) accept the mujahed & his blessed efforts for the path of Jihad and may Allah grant his family patience and solace for his lose.
    "To God we belong and to him we shall return."
Too bad. Hamas had just changed the sign on their Playground of Death to counting the days since the last work accident:

(h/t PTWatch)