
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Zionist media incitement against Palestinians"

Over the past couple of years, after it became clear that organizations like MEMRI and Palestinian Media Watch were exposing the virulent antisemitism and hatred and opposition to peace in the Palestinian Arab media, the other side started monitoring Israeli media looking for anti-Arab incitement, to show that Jews are at least as bad.

Here are some examples they dug up during May and June:

Yediot Ahronot dated 05/01/2013, mentions "the return of Palestinian terrorism" in reference to the stabbing murder of Evyatar Borovsky the day before.

Israel Hayom on May 5 said "the overwhelming number of terrorists are Muslim."

Israel Hayom, 5/5, had an article calling for striking Islamic terrorism in Judea and Samaria.

Yediot, 5/5, said the bedouin were taking over the Negev.

Makor Rishon, 5/13, said that Palestinian Arab prisoners were murderers and terrorists.

All the articles saying that Muhammad al-Dura was not killed by the IDF was considered to be incitement.

Israel Hayom, 5/20, discussed the Palestinian culture of lies that led to the Al Dura hoax.

They did bring a couple of cases that were close to legitimate examples of bias, for example the assumption that a bank robber in Beersheva was an Arab without (apparent) evidence, but I see very little that can be considered incitement in their examples - and this is without even checking if they were translating them accurately.