
Monday, August 12, 2013

Sinai Jihadists claim responsibility for rocket to Eilat

The Mujahadeen Shura Council took responsibility for firing a rocket (or rockets) at Eilat early Tuesday morning.

This is not the Ansar Jerusalem group who had four members killed on Friday.

The statement says "In response to the recent crime of the Jews which killed four of the Mujahideen in the land of Sinai, the black Mujahideen Shura Council [announces] the bombing of the city of Rashrash 'Eilat' with a missile at one dawn on Tuesday."

The statement added that the missile caused the Jews to have "dread and horror" as they rushed to their underground shelters.

The Mujahideen Shura added that the city of Eilat "and other cities of the Jews" will not enjoy security nor tourism, pointing out that "the Jews will dearly pay the price for the blood of the mujahideen.

Iron Dome intercepted one rocket. Residents reported hearing two explosions, one of which may have been Iron Dome firing.