
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Mondoweiss agrees that released murderers are "freedom fighters"

The last time we spoke about Annie Robbins, Mondoweiss' Editor at Large, she was claiming that there was no evidence that Jewish Temples ever existed on the Temple Mount.

So perhaps it isn't surprising that she agrees that murderers are "freedom fighters."

The PLO sent out a letter to its diplomatic posts ahead of the prisoner release, saying that each one isn't a terrorist but a "Palestinian freedom fighter, who struggles against the occupation and fights in accordance to international law."

Yes, the PLO says that people who axe senior citizens to death are "freedom fighters."

And Mondoweiss agrees.

Here is Robbins' comment to this sickening characterization: "Touche for Palestine doubling down with an injection of truth today."

Annie Robbins believes that according to international law, any Palestinian Arab can stalk and kill any Jew in Israel - man, woman or child.

The woman is beneath contempt.

A Facebook page has been set up to condemn Mondoweiss for this disgusting stand.

(h/t Max S.)