
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

8/14 Links Part 2: Glick on the Future of Latma, Israel Trains Tanzania's First Paediatric Heart Surgeon

From Ian:

Caroline Glick: Best of the Tribal Update, part 1
The last two episodes of the Tribal Update, this week's and next week's are a celebration of our accomplishments over the past four years, and a celebration of the values of Zionism that motivate all of our endeavors.
Thank you all so very much for your support for our work. Over the past four years we have proven that the truly cool people in Israel and throughout the world are the Zionists. The most creative, exciting and happening people are the Zionists. It has been an great adventure, and more will follow.
The worst of both worlds
Netanyahu is seeking the best of both worlds — trying to keep the international community onside, and not alienate the Israeli right. But he’s getting the worst of both worlds. He’s lost the EU, and he’s losing control of the Likud. Seeking to curry favor but refusing to make vital strategic choices, this week he has again contrived to subvert Israel’s own interests, and still wound up looking like the bad guy.
Father’s Book Offers Insight into Netanyahu’s Worldview
Although the late Benzion Netanyahu wrote four of the five essays in “The Founding Fathers of Zionism” years before his middle son Benjamin Netanyahu was born, let alone before Benjamin entered politics, Benzion’s insightful volume may very well be the playbook by which the current prime minister governs Israel. As such, it should be mandatory reading for everyone with an interest in the Jewish state.
Teen victim of acid attack in Zanzibar leaves hospital
One of the two British Jewish teenagers injured in an acid attack in Zanzibar was released from the hospital.
Kirstie Trup left the hospital on Sunday night, the Jewish Chronicle reported.
Middle East Christians: Endangered in their ancestral land
The one bright spot is the state of Israel – “the only place in the Middle East [where] Christians are really safe,” according to the Vicar of St George’s Church in Baghdad, Canon Andrew White. Home to Christianity’s holiest sites and to a colorful array of Christian denominations, Israel has the only growing Christian community in the Middle East.
Because Israel is the only non- Muslim state in all of the Middle East and North Africa, it represents a small victory for religious minorities in the region, and serves as the last protector of freedom and security for Jews, Christians, Bahai, Druse and others. Without Israel, how much more vulnerable would Christians in the Middle East become?
Human Rights Groups on Rouhani Justice Minister Nominee: “Minister of Murder”
Rouhani’s pick for justice minister, Mostafa Pour-Mohammadi, has been subject to sustained criticism by human rights groups since the mid-2000s:
Purmohammadi, who heads Iran’s General Inspectorate Organization, a body linked to Iran’s judiciary, attracted attention in 2005 when he joined former President Mahmud Ahmadinejad’s cabinet as interior minister. Human Rights Watch (HRW) criticized that appointment at the time in a report titled “Ministers Of Murder,” which highlighted Purmohammadi’s alleged role in the 1988 executions, the assassination of political figures abroad, and the 1998 killings of intellectuals inside the country while he was a director in the Intelligence Ministry.
German cultural center cancels anti-Israel event with Iran’s embassy
Dr. Ulrich Bleyer, the director of the Berlin-based Urania cultural and educational center, on Monday pulled the plug on a pro-Palestinian symposium with Iran’s embassy because the event legitimizes terrorism and seeks to dismantle Israel’s right to exist.
Toronto Police Investigate Palestinian Leader Who Called for Murder of Israelis
Addressing an Al-Quds Day rally on Aug. 3, Elias Hazineh, former president of Palestine House in suburban Toronto, said “an ultimatum” must be issued to Israelis: “You have to leave Jerusalem. You have to leave Palestine,” he said.
“We say get out or you’re dead! We give them two minutes and then we start shooting. And that’s the only way that they will understand,” Hazineh said to cheers from a crowd of approximately 400 at the annual rally.
Mosques in Canada spew hateful messages, study finds
Local mosque-goers frequently hear hateful messages against Jews and other non-Muslims and are warned against integrating into Canadian society, according to a new study into the causes of Islamic radicalization.
Volunteers with the Canadian Thinkers Forum (CTF), in collaboration with the Canadian Progressive Islamic Centre, sat in on sermons at most of the mosques and Islamic centres in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) over a three-year period, said CTF Director Tahir Gora. They visited each place between one to five times; they also relied on first-hand reports from mosque-going associates and did research using online sources.
Musician Calls Israel ‘Apartheid State’ in BBC Broadcast at Royal Albert Hall
One could dissect the illogic of Kennedy’s argument, that if apartheid did actually exist in Israel, those Palestinian musicians would not have been present, but that would be asking a lot.
One could address the glaring fallacy of his comment, since Israeli law guarantees Arab citizens equal rights and they are well represented in higher offices and political parties; but the simpler point is that an evening of classical music is not the environment for political statements, fallacious or not.
US Rapper Pitbull Performs in Tel Aviv, Despite BDS Efforts to Intimidate International Music Stars Wishing to Tour Israel
Despite calls from the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) organization for US musicians to avoid performing in Israel, rapper Pitbull entertained thousands of fans at a major concert on Monday night in Hall 1 of the Tel Aviv Fairgrounds.
US National Archives Preserves Recovered Iraqi Jewish Objects Ahead of Fall Exhibit
Conservators at the US National Archives have been hard at work restoring a wealth of historic objects from Iraq’s Jewish community, according to The Washington Post, which gained access to the process and documented it in a photo slideshow published Monday.
Found in Saddam Hussein’s flooded basement by U.S. Marines following the dictator’s ouster in 2003, the National Archives undertook the restoration of some of the more than 1,000 books, documents and artifacts recovered. Among the items were a handwritten Passover Haggadah, from 1902, a Viennese Haggadah, from 1930, and school records and personal photographs.
US FDA Approves Use of Latest Israeli Invented PillCam to Monitor Crohn’s Disease
Sufferers of Crohn’s and other diseases, including obscure gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding and iron deficiency anemia, will benefit from the US Food and Drug Administration’s 510(k) clearance Tuesday of the next generation PillCam, SB 3, created by Israeli capsule endoscopy developer Given Imaging, which is listed on the Tel Aviv and Nasdaq stock exchanges. The new cameras will be marketed in the US starting in the fourth quarter of this year.
'Bedouin or Jewish, I am proud to serve my country'
Master Sgt. Marzuk Suaed, 37, a Bedouin father of three residing in northern Israel, sees his job as a recruiter of Bedouin, Arab, Christian and Muslim youths to the Israel Defense Forces as a personal and Zionist mission.
"I really am very proud in what I am doing," says Suaed, who hails from a large family in which everyone enlisted into the IDF, many of them serving in combat units.
"I am a citizen of the state, it doesn't matter whether Bedouin or Jewish, and am proud to lend my country a hand. Yes, this is my country, and I want to serve it; and, on the way, mostly, I want the Bedouin/Arab sector to understand and internalize that service in the army will only do our society good. Social distancing and separation will lead us nowhere," he says.
Mission to mend Tanzanian broken hearts
"The surgeon and his six-member Tanzanian medical team – paediatric cardiologist Naiz Majani, paediatric cardiologist Godfrey Mbawala, paediatric intensive care doctor Josephat Mukama, anesthetist Benard Kanemo, cardiac anesthetist Kimaro Ernestina and perfusionist Thomas Kimani - have come here to learn from the Israel-based charity Save A Child’s Heart (SACH).
Their tuition has been funded entirely by Australia’s high-profile Pratt Foundation, while sponsorship from across the globe allows SACH to fly-in young patients, like Salma, for the medical team to operate on using their state of the art equipment."
Tanzania's first paediatric heart surgeon saving lives

Tanzanian heart surgeon tells his story VIDEO