
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hamas forges letters from Fatah (update)

Hamas claims to have gotten copies of letters from Fatah and the PLO, allegedly proving that they are behind the incitement against Hamas in Egypt.

I found a high resolution version of one of the letters, and it is obviously fake. And this is clear even without understanding the Arabic.

There is a handwritten signature on this letter - but the rest of the letter itself could not have been scanned. It is way too perfect, especially when zoomed in.

Scans always leave artifacts, whether the text is slightly skewed, or dust on the scanner, or cracks in the toner on the dark parts, or something. Here we cannot even see the edges of the paper.

Some Hamas member got a copy of the signature of some Fatah member as well as letterhead, and simply Photoshopped them around a letter that could say whatever the accuser wants it to say.

In other words, this letter cannot possibly prove anything.

Again, here is another indication that Hamas is running scared with the loss of its Muslim Brotherhood patron, and its increasingly hysterical attempts to blame its problems on its enemies.

UPDATE: Fatah responded also by saying they are forgeries - and points out that even the letterhead shown above is a forgery. While in English it says "Foreign Relations Commission" the Arabic says "Arabic Media Commission."