
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

French Jewish organization files complaint about "Khaybar"

CRIF, the umbrella organization of French Jewry, has sent a formal complaint to CSA, the French authority
that monitors TV programming in that country, about the incitement against Jews in the "Khaybar" miniseries.

Three of the satellite networks broadcasting the antisemitic series - Dubai TV, Algeria 3 and Dream 3 - are available to French satellite customers.

According to CRIF, the anti-Semitic series encourages serious public incitement to national and racial discrimination, hatred and violence.

The series can also be seen on cable and the Internet, which gives it a significant and disturbing potential audience.

As "Khaybar" is included in various paid packages, CRIF also informed Eutelsat Numéricâble, SFR, Orange and Canal satellite TV providers of offensivbe material recorded during the broadcast of this series.