
Monday, July 15, 2013

Elder gets results? Newest Ma'an story on Temple Mount somewhat better

I noted yesterday that Ma'an, which pretends to be an objective news source, had an article on Jews visiting the Temple Mount that was very biased.

Today's is much better:
Dozens of Israelis entered the Al-Aqsa compound on Monday under armed guard, a local foundation said.

The Al-Aqsa Foundation for Waqf and Heritage said the group entered the compound through the Moroccan gate and was accompanied by an Israeli police escort.

Israeli forces deployed at the entrances to the compound and briefly detained two children, the group said.
It still says:
The Al-Aqsa compound, containing the mosque and the Dome of the Rock, is the third holiest site in Islam and abuts the site where Jews believe the ancient Second Temple stood.
Which I noted yesterday was wrong as well as downplays the Jewish connection to the area, but this is still better than it was.

One of this morning's visits was repelled by a throng of chanting Muslims, but other visits went fine. (Video linking from Facebook seems not to be working, go to the links.)

Sheikh Raed Salah warned of "crazy occupation groups" on the Temple Mount and said that their visits will become more frequent even after Ramadan.