
Thursday, July 11, 2013

7/11 Links Part 2: UNRWA Training Terrorists, The End Of LATMA? and Sir Cliff at the YMCA

From Ian:

Israeli-Palestinian obsession fading
Israel is just not that central to the concerns of Arabs. Palestine is the bloody shirt that can be waved time and again to stir up the locals, but it is not what ails or really even concerns these nations. Cynical Arab leaders will continue to try to distract their populations by targeting Israel as the bad guy. And peace processing will continue, in large part because there are peace processors who need something to do, and because people do not like to admit they were fundamentally wrong about something for all the years they have been wrong about it.
Arab Diplomats Plan to Pressure Israel on Nuclear Program
While Iran’s nuclear program forges ahead, Arab diplomats from 18 nations plan to pressure Israel over its alleged nuclear program at September’s International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) annual meeting at the United Nations.
Iran, Syria to Seek Seats on UN Human Rights Council
Some of the most oppressive regimes worldwide, possibly including Iran and Syria, are vying to serve on the United Nations' Human Rights Council, Fox News reported.
Algeria, Chad, China, Cuba, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam have all announced plans to run in a November election to fill 14 seats for the 2014-16 period.
UNRWA and the United Nations are Training Terrorists
David Bedein is trying to raise awareness of this situation and above all to raise awareness of it among Jewish donors to Arab causes and to the Israeli government officials who turn a blind eye to it and allow it to continue even in territory controlled by Israel. UNWRA is apparently asking for its budget to be doubled, and he is determined that its true motives are known to those to whom the organization is extending its begging-bowl. He also pointed out something that is not widely known – the two new cities being built in the West Bank by the Palestinian Authority used pictures of downtrodden refugees in the camps to raise money for the projects. But the Palestinian Authority has banned refugees from living in the new cities!
As long as the refugees are forced to live in poverty and denied a decent standard of living and continue, through a United Nations-funded organization, to be taught violence, Israel will never be safe—but neither will the rest of the Arab world, which will continue to tear itself apart.
IDF Blog: Hamas Summer Camp Brainwashes Gaza Children to Hate

Hunger Games: A Palestinian terrorist who tried to kill ‘as many Israelis as possible’
We noted here a week ago that [Abdullah] Barghouti has done an outstanding job from his prison cell of highlighting the bestiality that underpins his psychopathic nature. 66 innocent people killed? Not enough, he says without blushing. In the intimate setting of a 2006 interview beamed throughout the world by CBS television’s ’60 Minutes’ program, Barghouti clarifies things unambiguously:
“I feel bad because the number is only 66. This is the answer you want to hear? Yes, I feel bad because I want more.” [Quoted on a CBS site]
Speaking in an Israeli court in 2010, he again reiterated his dedication to killing more Jews once he is freed again.
2013 Six Month Report: 5,635 Violent Attacks Committed Against Jews in Israel
According to their statistics, there were 5,635 attacks in the first half of 2013 against Jewish inhabitants of the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Greater Jerusalem regions alone, including 611 molotov cocktail attacks and 5,144 rock attacks. In addition, there were 8 shooting attacks and 3 stabbing attacks. In total, the violence left 1 person dead and 171 injured, including a 3 year-old girl who was seriously injured.
Activists: Police Failing to Protect Mount of Olives
There were over 300 instances of rock attacks and other forms of harassment against Jews visiting the Har Hazeitim (Mount of Olives) Cemetery in the last year, and the police post established on Har Hazeitim has failed to reduce the level of violence there, according to evidence presented by activists at the Knesset Tuesday.
Moreover, there are reports that Arab violence is spreading, from the Mount of Olives itself to the roads leading up to it.
Satirical, Right Wing Latma to Close by the End of July
It’s not enough to just hit “Like” or express sorrow and concern. This isn’t the time to cry, sit and whine about the country, about the left that’s taken over our lives, this is the time to act! Reach into your pocket and donate in the link below, by check, bank transfer, or credit card. Whatever you can, 20, 50, 100 however much you can. Shekel by shekel, we’ll make it. Soon we’ll also make a fundraising film for Headstart. We will succeed, we can do it! Share, share, share, as much as you can! Send this to everyone, so it will be seen all over the country, for all I care, it can reach the haters too, who in their stupidity will share it as mockery, to defame and deride. Send it to the entirety of Judea and Samaria, to every single email, to everyone who cares about this country, that this country is important to them.
Calls to Name Swedish Airport After Holocaust Hero
A group of politicians and intellectuals said on Wednesday that Sweden's largest airport should be renamed after Holocaust hero Raoul Wallenberg, who saved the lives of tens of thousands of Jews.
A petition signed by 36 prominent Swedes, including two former prime ministers, called for Stockholm's Arlanda Airport to be named in Wallenberg’s honor, the AFP news agency reported.
Portuguese Diplomat Finally Celebrated for Saving Jews During WW II
When Aristides de Sousa Mendes died in 1954 he was broke and shamed, this despite his heroic activities during the Second World War to save Jews and other “enemies” of the Third Reich, The New York Times writes.
Sousa Mendes, Portugal’s consul in Bordeaux when Germany invaded France, provided about 30,000 people with Portuguese visas to escape Nazi persecution, according to the Sousa Mendes Foundation, but when Portuguese authorities found out about his activities he was dismissed from the diplomatic service and stripped of his pension rights.
Sir Cliff Richard brings Jewish and Arab children to court
British pop star Sir Cliff Richard will take center stage at Tel Aviv’s Nokia Arena (July 11 and 13) for two sold-out concerts but before he belts out his hits, the musician-philanthropist made a stopover at the Nazareth Tennis School to see the academy he helped establish.
An avid tennis fan and player, Sir Cliff donated funds in 2005 to help the Freddie Krivine Foundation refurbish courts for Israeli Arab and Jewish youth at the Nazareth Tennis School, located in the grounds of the Nazareth YMCA.
Facebook Inventor Gives a "Like" to Samaria
Jared Morgenstern is one of Facebook’s top developers and he was the man who created the famous "like" button. Though at the height of his career, he has decided to quit his job at Facebook and arrived in Israel on a journey meant to discover his roots.
Upon arriving in Israel, Morgenstern said that it was important for him to see the places where “it all began,” as he put it.
IDF Blog: Setting the Bar: From Gymnastics Champion to IDF Commander
Lt. Amit Danon was the Israeli national champion in rhythmic gymnastics when she enlisted in the IDF. After embarking on her path as a soldier, she decided to leave her previous life behind and became a combat officer in the mixed-gender Caracal Battalion.
Last week, Lt. Amit Danon made history by becoming the first woman to lead a platoon in the combat squad commanders course of the IDF’s School for Infantry Corps Professions and Squad Commanders.
After initial balk, India reconsidering buying Iron Dome
India is reportedly reconsidering its decision earlier this year not to purchase Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system.
The all-weather Israeli system, which has proven effective in intercepting rocket fire from Gaza, was first deployed in 2011. India has expressed interest in the system over the past two years because its advanced capabilities would enable it to detect and intercept the “Nasr,” a Pakistani tactical nuclear missile deployed along the Indian-Pakistani border, an Indian Army official told Defense News.
‘Startup Tel Aviv’ revealed
What is it about the White City on the Mediterranean that has turned it into the Silicon Valley of the Middle East?