
Sunday, May 05, 2013

Outrageous BBC headline - and article - on Syria airstrikes

Say what?

They don't even bother to identify the source of the scare quotes in the headline, making it appear from a glance like they are quoting a reputable source.

In fact, practically the entire article only quotes Arab sources and anger at Israel.

Only at the very, very end  - in paragraph 26! -does it grudgingly mention

After the latest attack, unnamed Western intelligence sources said the target was a weapons cache heading for Lebanon.

Israel has repeatedly said it would act if it felt advanced weapons were being transferred to militant groups in the region, especially Hezbollah.
This is not even journalism - it is the BBC acting as a propaganda mouthpiece for the most extreme haters of the Jewish state.

Indeed, it is the BBC who is writing headlines coordinated with terrorists.

(h/t Ben, Jameel)