
Monday, May 06, 2013

Monday Links Part 2

From Ian:

Kerry Betting On The Wrong Horses by Khaled Abu Toameh
The US Administration needs to understand that the Arab League is an incompetent and ineffectual body that has long been ridiculed by most Arabs. This is a body that has never played an instrumental role in solving Arab crises such as the Lebanese Civil War, the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait or the ongoing bloodshed in Syria.
It now remains to be seen whether Kerry and President Barack Obama will ever notice that they are betting on the wrong horses. Neither the Arab League nor the Palestinian Authority leadership has a mandate to offer any concessions to Israel or recognize its right to exist.
IDF Blog: Reality check: The truth behind crossings in Judea and Samaria
The crossings and IDF checkpoints in Judea and Samaria have been the source of much confusion and debate worldwide. Crossings and checkpoints, while both provide important security benefits, are different.
Police Catch Tens of Thousands of 'Illegal Eggs'
Border police on Sunday confiscated 54,000 illegal eggs that were being smuggled into Jerusalem by an Arab driver from Palestinian Authority-controlled areas of Judea and Samaria. The eggs were inside a non-marked truck that is usually used to transport dirt.
Honest Reporting Canada: UBC Student Group Acts as Apologists For a Convicted Palestinian Terrorist
The University of British Columbia (UBC) is under criticism by Jewish advocacy group B'nai Brith Canada for "abdicating its responsibility to stop convicted terrorist Leila Khaled from having the opportunity to poison the minds of Canadian students."
A B'nai Brith statement noted that "Khaled is scheduled to speak via Skype at a conference hosted by a Pro-Palestinian university student group and sponsored by a university Alma Mater Society on the 4th of May. She has been convicted of terrorism for carrying out hijackings for the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a listed terrorist organization."
Republican Party Animals group kicks out Holocaust denier infiltrator
In late April, it was discovered that RPA “head” David Stein was actually a man named David Cole. Cole has appeared in online videos espousing Holocaust revisionism. After confirmation that Cole and Stein were indeed the same person, Cole (himself Jewish) refused to renounce his views denying the Holocaust.
The terror funding thing that wont go away
Norway has still not received any response from the Palestinian Authority in the matter of financial support for terrorist convicted prisoners. Now the opposition demands that the government put pressure on the Palestinians.
Norwegian authorities responded after Israeli media last year revealed the hitherto unknown aspects of the financial aid scheme for Palestinian prisoners who are in Israeli prisons.
The ‘start-up nation’ and the Chinese dream
With the interdependence between countries deepening in the globalized world, China and Israel have a shared destiny. The closer our cooperation is, the more benefits will accrue for both our peoples, and the more contributions we will be able to make to regional stability, world peace and global prosperity.
I am fully convinced that with Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit to China, a brighter future for our friendship and cooperation will be ushered in.
The writer is the People’s Republic of China’s ambassador to the State of Israel.
$100 billion Tata shops for tech innovation in Tel Aviv
Indian conglomerate will be the biggest investor in a new technology research fund established by TAU
Shake hands with Omek’s man-machine interface of the future
Israel’s Omek makes its gesture recognition and tracking tech so sophisticated that it follows motion down to the joints of each finger.
Stars of David over Hollywood
From ‘The Jazz Singer’ to ‘You Don’t Mess with the Zohan,’ the way Jews are portrayed on the silver screen reflects their acceptance into American society, says author Eric A. Goldman
Israel sends Noah’s Ark of animals to Turkey
Several months ago, Turkish zookeepers in Izmir asked Ramat Gan Safari for help in boosting their zoological collection.
The Ramat Gan Safari – like other zoos in Israel — is a member of the international zoological organization and regularly participates in exchanging animals to promote breeding and bolster exhibits at other zoos. But Horowitz noted this is the biggest exchange in which the Ramat Gan Safari has ever taken part.
Horowitz also said that although Israel and Turkey may be at diplomatic odds with one another; animals are the true gesture of cooperation and always override politics.
Step Up for Israel - Israel is Just a Dream