
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hamas compiling photos of Israeli soldiers

There have been a few incidents in recent years of IDF soldiers getting in trouble for posting information on Facebook that could compromise security or embarrass the IDF.

In 2010, the IDF announced "In response to the latest incident the army's Information Security department issued a letter to soldiers warning: "Enemy intelligence scans the Internet in search of pieces of information about the IDF, information that could sabotage operations and endanger our forces."

It turns out that the English-language Qassam website has been quietly compiling photos of IDF soldiers that originated on Facebook. The photos are not all on the same section of their site, and the captions do not help to understand why they are doing this. While their goal is unclear, but all potential scenarios - kidnapping, lawfare, or whatever - are not appealing.

(h/t Irene)