
Friday, May 03, 2013

Friday Links 1

From Ian:

UN sponsors "terrorist tournament"
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has sponsored an event named after a Palestinian terrorist who was responsible for the deaths of 125 people.
The event, a football tournament, was financially supported by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and sponsored by the United Nations agency. Palestinian news outlets reported, "The draw for the 19th Prince of Martyrs Khalil Al-Wazir Abu Jihad Football Tournament for youth born in 1996, took place in the Al-Ansar Club offices in Jerusalem. The tournament is organized by the Ansar Al-Quds Club, sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme and funded by the Islamic Development Bank."
PMW: Abu Jihad glorified for planning "operations" that killed dozens of Israelis - on PA TV

Arab March to Jerusalem Planned in Cairo
A Global March to Jerusalem was planned last year as well. Counter-terror experts found that Iran was backing the event.
The march drew only a few thousand people, far from the two million supporters organizers had hoped for.
Analysis: Egypt, Iran in power struggle over Gaza
Egypt and Iran are locked in a power struggle over their influence and conflicting aims in the Gaza Strip, and Egypt appears to have the upper hand.
While Tehran is dissatisfied with the relative durability of the cease-fire between Hamas and Israel, and is pushing Palestinian armed factions to violate the truce, Cairo is doing its utmost to reinforce the calm, which it views as serving Egypt’s national interest.
Iran Brings Back Stoning As “Islamic Punishment”
The controversial “Islamic Punishment” law that was rejected by the Guardians Council returned and eventually was passed last week. To the disappointment of human rights activists and the promises of some Majlis representatives, not only stoning is not negated in the law, it is in fact emphasized.
Kenya Finds Iranians Guilty of Plotting Attacks Against Israelis
Two Iranians were found guilty by a Kenyan court Thursday for possessing explosives allegedly for use in bomb attacks.
Erdogan: There's No Doubt Assad Used Chemical Weapons
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday that there is no doubt that Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad has used chemical weapons against rebels.
Erdogan added that he would discuss the issue with U.S. President Barack Obama during his upcoming visit to Washington.
Federal Agents Raid Saudi Diplomatic Compound, Free Slaves
Saudi Arabia officially abolished slavery, but its labor practices are largely indistinguishable from slavery. High-ranking Saudis in America have been charged with slavery before.
But now a Saudi diplomatic compound in Virginia has run afoul of the Emancipation Proclamation.
Pakistanis remember bin Laden as 'Islamic hero'
Al-Qaida supporters gather in Pakistan, chanting, carrying photos of 9/11 mastermind bin Laden on 2nd anniversary of his death.
UK Political Candidate Making ‘Nazi Salute’ Claims He Was Just Reaching For Phone
However, to their detractors the group’s anti-EU drive comes not from economic sensibility but from nationalism, xenophobia, and even outright racism.
Case in point: this week 22-year-old UKIP candidate Alex Wood was suspended after a Facebook photo that appeared to show him making a “Nazi salute” was published by left wing tabloid the Daily Mirror.
Neo-Nazi trial highlights latent racism in Germany
Surviving member of National Socialist Underground to be tried for complicity in murder of 8 Turks and a Greek
Dutch Turk Volunteer Harassed for Opposing Holocaust Supporters
He said, “The Sahin Affair, even if it concerns a single victim, well illustrates three major negative aspects of contemporary Dutch society. The first issue is, as Sahin relates, the immoral attitudes held by significant parts of Dutch Turkish society. The second aspect is the failure of the Dutch major media which only started to give substantial publicity to the scandal of the young Hitler admirers on mainstream TV after several weeks had passed, when the Simon Wiesenthal Center wrote a protest letter to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.
The third more recent failure is that of the Dutch police and prosecution. The net result of the death threats and hatred against Sahin coming out of the Turkish community is that one of the youths receives some superficial “educational training,” while the victim is warned that he will be brought before a court if he insults his aggressors again.