
Wednesday, May 08, 2013

BBC corrects absurd headline

On Sunday, I (and others) noted an outrageous BBC headline that said "Israeli strikes on Syria 'co-ordinated with terrorists'". 

The article wasn't much better.

But the BBC at least amended the headline:

With this correction on the bottom:
Correction (7 May 2013): The headline of this report has been amended to make clear that the claim that Israeli air strikes had been co-ordinated with the rebels was made by Syrian officials.
It is sad that we have to celebrate such small victories, often days after the damage is done, rather than enjoy accurate news reporting to begin with.

Let's hope that The Economist shows the same respect for its readers for its recent anti-Israel gaffe.

But isn't it interesting that the errors always seem to be in the anti-Israel direction?

(h/t Mat2580)