
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday Links Part 2

From Ian:

As Israelis Mourn, Jordanians Glorify by Alan M. Dershowitz
As Israelis mourn the 23,000 soldiers and defense personnel who have been killed in the course of defending the Jewish state against aggression and terrorism, Jordanian leaders (not including the king, at least thus far) are making a hero out of a Jordanian soldier who murdered 7 Israeli school girls and wounded 6 others during a peace program in 1997. Ahmed Daqamseh, who expressed pride in his mass murder, was convicted of these crimes but spared the death penalty, despite the fact that Jordan executes large numbers of criminals for relatively trivial offenses.
Israel can strike Iran nuclear targets alone, IDF head says
Gantz told Israel Radio that Israel had the capabilities to strike Iranian nuclear targets on its own if no country came to its aid, and that intense, thorough discussions between the military and political leadership on the matter were ongoing.
“The Iranian challenge is very significant and we must approach it with a responsible long-term strategy. We will do what is necessary when it is necessary,” Gantz said, adding that Israel was following nuclear developments in Iran closely.
Iranian Official Repeats Threat to Raze Haifa and Tel Aviv
He played down statements by the U.S. and Israel that all options are on the table in dealing with the Iranian nuclear threat, and said such statements signify their passive stance.
Last month, Khamenei said that Iran will "annihilate" the Israeli cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa if it comes under attack by the Jewish state.
Ahmadinejad: 'We Don't Need Atomic Bomb'
"We don't need an atomic bomb. ... And besides, it is not atomic bombs that threaten the world, but Western morals and culture declining in values."
Iran continues to deny Western allegations that it is covertly developing the capacity to produce a nuclear bomb, claiming instead that its program is for energy and medical purposes.
Korea, Iran, and the Dual-Loyalty Myth
Yet no one of any significance is accusing Korean Americans of putting the interests of South Korea above those of the U.S. A Korean equivalent to the pack of lies contained in the book The Israel Lobby, by academics John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, has yet to be written, let alone make the New York Times bestseller list.
Glenn Greenwald and Israel’s booming anti-Zionism tourism trade
While it’s impossible to know how many of the record 3.5 millions tourists who visited Israel in 2012 (who brought $4.6 billion into the Israeli economy) were anti-Zionist activists, it seems that, contrary to Greenwald’s claims, foreign travelers who are “critical of Israeli actions” or “supportive of Palestinian rights” don’t have too hard of a time gaining entry into the state.
If there is a concerted effort by Israeli authorities to bar anti-Zionist activists from entering the country, they’re obviously doing a very poor job.
Israeli Start Up is Securing the High Seas (VIDEO)
Ami Daniel is CEO and co-founder of Windward Maritime Solutions, an Israeli start up that combines satellite imagery with intelligence data to predict where potentially dangerous ships might strike.
“Most governmental intelligence agencies, as well as business intelligence organizations, act on information they have,” wrote Daniel in a recent issue of Common Defense Quarterly.
"Bloomberg" Shekel strongest currency in first quarter
"Bloomberg" reported yesterday the shekel had the best performance of the 31 currencies monitored during the first quarter of 2013, because of Israel's stable growth and in anticipation of gas flow from the Tamar field, which is expected to have a favorable impact on the Israeli government deficit.
Sun power to purify polluted water
Thousands of years ago, sailors would spread seawater in flat beds aboard ship to let the sun evaporate it to separate out the salt. The same principle is behind a modern Israeli technology that relies on sun power to distill clean water for drinking and agriculture.
“About 97 percent of the world’s water is saltwater or polluted water,” says Shimmy Zimels, CEO of Jerusalem-based SunDwater. That is why some 750 million people in 45 countries need to drill expensive wells, buy bottled water or even use contaminated water despite the huge health risks.
Stand With Us: Stand Together For Israel