
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Terrorist released in Shalit deal tried to hire WB terrorist to shoot Israelis

Ma'ariv reports:

A terrorist released in the Shalit deal and deported to Gaza planned to attack Israel and convinced a Nablus resident to attack for a large sum of money, after the two met two months ago in Mecca.

The Shin Bet recently stopped Amir Barakat, resident of Nablus, after returning from the his Hajj trip to Mecca. Barakat admitted that during the pilgrimage he met Amir Dokan, a former resident of Balata refugee camp, who was released in the Shalit deal and deported to Gaza. According to Barakat, Dokan offered an enticing proposition: to shoot at the Nablus bypass road or throw a grenade at the Hawara checkpoint in exchange for $6,000.

After Barakat returned home to the territories he contacted Dokan andtold him that he agreed to the proposal and began to try to obtain a gun. The Shin Bet said today that the incident shows once again the attempted terrorist terrorist activity in the West Bank, with increasing involvement of prisoners from the Shalit deal. According to the GSS, the pilgrimage to Mecca made ​​it a meeting place for activists to talk and swap ideas and planning of terrorist activity. Shin Bet said today (Wednesday) that there was an increase in prisoners who left Gaza after the Shalit deal. "This is a blatant violation of release agreement signed with Egyptian mediation, and certainly when actions are performed from the territory of the Gaza Strip, the Hamas government [is responsible for upholding the agreement] " said the GSS.
I couldn't find Dokan's name in any of the lists I have of prisoners swapped for Shalit, so I don't know what he did to land in prison to begin with.

(h/t Kramerica)