In what has become a daily occurrence, Palestinians are routinely throwing rocks at Magen David Adom ambulances, smashing windshields and seriously endangering the MDA medical crews.
Despite that MDA ambulances and medics treat wounded without bias to race or religion, Palestinians target these life saving efforts, even when the wounded are Palestinians.

Over the past few days:The thing is that this is so expected, so routine, that even the Israeli media ignores the story. Yet in a sane world this would make world headlines, especially among Western nations that fund the people doing this at a higher rate per capita than any other people.
April 2, 2013, 17:15 - Palestinians stone MDA ambulance on the Jerusalem - Hevron highway #60, near the community of Karmei Zur.
April 3, 2013 15:43 - Palestinians stone MDA ambulance on Halhul bypass road, part of the Jerusalem - Hevron highway #60.
April 4, 2013 11:27 - Palestinians stone Neve Zuf community MDA ambulance near the Abud village on road 465.
These are war crimes by any definition. But the PA and too much of the world, including so-called "progressives," glorify it as "resistance."
Of course, Amira Hass and Ha'aretz can feel proud for their contributions to making this all seem somehow a "right."