
Thursday, September 06, 2012

Lots of yummy, fat-free Thursday links

From Ian:

JPost Editorial The PA’s electricity tab
The government cannot keep playing nice to avoid damaging the national image at the expense of the economy.
To then expect that state to keep footing PA bills is akin to accepting extortion. The punishment with which Israel is threatened is another campaign of vilification if it dares refuse to bankroll Ramallah.
But the PA needs to be taught that it cannot be the international community’s whining child who expects everything but isn’t duty bound to behave in a minimally honorable fashion.

Democratic Convention disasters prove Obama’s party cannot lead on Middle East peace process
The DNC controversy has proved it cannot be trusted on matters concerning Israel and the Middle East peace process
"Following the decision, the convention floor echoed with boos and jeers, a reflection that in reality, the Democratic Party is unable to decide either way as to whether it remains a strong ally of Israel that believes in Jerusalem as its capital – or whether they are hedging their bets to placate a large number of Democratic Party voters who are either pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel, or simply unsympathetic to the Jewish state."
Terra Incognita: The re-Islamification of Beersheba
The manufactured controversy over a wine festival is part of increasingly chauvinistic power politics sweeping the Negev’s Beduin community.
Israel seeks to counterbalance Palestinian claims with refugee stories of its own
Advocacy project ostensibly aims at winning recompense for Jews who fled Arab rule at time Israel was established.
[This has been getting lots of angry attention in Arabic media - EoZ]

Hamas: Israeli Jews should return to their Arab countries of origin
Islamists blast Foreign Ministry initiative to win recompense for Jews who fled Arab rule when Israel was established.

US, Egypt Conducting Joint Military Exercises
U.S. planes landed in Egypt Tuesday for a joint exercise, the first since the fall of Hosni Mubarak.

The End of US-Israel Strategic Cooperation?
Mark 2012, however, as the year the Obama administration took its most overt steps yet to tell the Arab and Muslim World the the US was severable from Israel. How much of what the US and Israel developed over the years was shared with countries overtly hostile to Israel?

IDF fires at terrorists attempting to place bomb on Gaza border fence
Palestinian health official reports three dead; three members of Gaza rocket-launch cell killed overnight.

Iran, Hezbollah establish training base in Nicaragua
Trainees reportedly planning retaliatory attacks against US, Israeli targets in event of military strike on Iran.

Germany marks 40 years since Munich massacre
Bavarian state government held memorial services in Munich to remember the murder of 11
Israelis at 1972 Olympics.

German intelligence agency bars pro-Israel event
The authorities have "criminalized de facto engagement for Israel," journalist says after university disallows event.
"According to a statement on the website of the German-Israeli friendship group at the University of Rostock, a range of student and labor union groups joined in the German- Israel Friendship Society protest, including the main student organization, AStA Rostock, the GEW teachers’ union at the university, and the young socialists of the SPD (Jusos), as well as the Green Party student group, the liberal group and the university Pirate Party organization.
The pro-Israel lecture was later held at an off-campus location without any disturbances."
Stand With Us:
 Once in a Lifetime HD selects and invites major Instagram users on an extraordinary journey across Israel this September. They will be introduced to our small country's tremendous variety of landscapes, cuisine and nightlife, as well as its multicultural society and culture.

Israel to aid Bihar's development bid
Throwing light on Indo-Israeli relations, Ushpiz said, "We are celebrating the 20th anniversary of our rich and historic relations (since the opening of Israeli embassy in India), which is not only based on values but on sharing. When we had come here in 1992, the volume of trade was about $200 million which has now increased to more than $5 billion. We also focus on research and development and have government to government channel with regard to many activities."

Cistern dated to First Temple period found in Jerusalem
Discovery of large man-made reservoir next to the Temple Mount shows city did not solely rely on the Gihon Spring for its water 2,500 years ago.


The bizarre story of Seif Gaddafi's Israeli former girlfriend and her appeal to Tony Blair

High school Israel advocates to train at SDSU, Stanford
BlueStar, a San Francisco-based Israel Advocacy organization, has scheduled College Stay three-day retreats for high school students. The weekend-long program was developed to help transform Jewish teens into powerful pro-Israel advocates, spokespeople and opinion leaders - before they encounter anti-Israel challenges at college. Teens will spend the weekend with current college students and get an inside look at Jewish life on campus at San Diego State University (October 12-14, 2012), and Stanford University (October 26-28, 2012).

Anti-semitism alive and well in Romania
Dan Sova, a 39 year old Romanian lawyer and Social Democrat, who has been a Senator in the Parliament since 2008, was promoted to the position of Minister for Parliamentary Relations by the Prime Minister Victor Ponta on August 6 after saying on a television broadcast on March 5, that "no Jew suffered on Romanian territory (during the Holocaust) thanks to Marshal Antonescu." Two days later Sova was removed "temporarily" from office as speaker of his political party. He has also said that "only 24 Jews were killed during the Iasi pogrom (of June 28-29, 1941) by the German army."

The actions of the Romanian regime in the Holocaust led to the deaths, not of 24 Jews, but a number estimated to be between 280,000 and 380,000 Romanian Jews -- most likely the larger number.

(h/t Yoel, Ellen)