
Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Wednesday links

From Ian:

The BBC’s own goal In pictures: Ramadan in Gaza's old quarter

Culture Does Matter By Mitt Romney
“I have just returned from a trip abroad. I visited three lands — Israel, Poland, and Great Britain — which are defined by their respective struggles for freedom. I met with some of the greatest heroes of those struggles. I am always glad to return to American soil. On this occasion, I am only strengthened in my conviction that the pursuit of happiness is not an American right alone. Israelis, Palestinians, Poles, Russians, Iranians, Americans, all human beings deserve to enjoy the blessings of a culture of freedom and opportunity.”

Palestinians Choose Resistance Over Economic Improvement
“What is more important, I believe, is a factor identified by Francis Fukuyama–the level of “trust” in a society. Israelis have been willing, when push comes to shove, to pull together for the common good in a way that Palestinians, who have always been riven by clan and political rivalries, have not. Israeli political culture has also been resolutely democratic, and this, I believe, is the ultimate secret of its success–it is inconceivable that the egalitarian Israelis would have tolerated the rule of a strutting authoritarian like Arafat. Israeli political culture demanded that “resistance” fighters like Begin and Shamir put down the gun and compete for votes like normal politicians. The Palestinians have never, even now, demanded this of their leaders–or at least not made the demand stick–and they will continue to pay a heavy price for elevating “resistance” over economic opportunity.”

Barry Rubin: Romney Lays It Out: Progress and Success Versus Name-Calling And Bragging About Being Victims
“Palestinian leaders complained, saying that this showed Romney was racist and out of touch with the realities of the Middle East. Actually, their reaction showed that they are counterproductive leaders who are out of touch with the realities of the Middle East and human history.”

IOC head Rogge to speak at memorial event for Munich athletes
“British PM also to attend ceremony, organized by Israeli embassy and local Jewish groups”
“LONDON — The president of the International Olympic Committee, Jacques Rogge, will speak next week at a ceremony in memory of the athletes murdered at the Munich Games, organized by the Israelis and British Jews, it was announced Tuesday.”
“The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, will also address the gathering, the organizers announced Tuesday. A message of support will be read from Charles, the Prince of Wales and the mayor of London, Boris Johnson, will be in attendance. Israel will be represented by Sports Minister Limor Livnat.”

British Allow Anti-Semitic Iranian Propaganda in the UK by Lee Kaplan
"The Heritage and Destiny Channel," on You Tube, run by Iran, currently features a video with two British subjects: an actress and film producer named Michelle Renouf, whose real name is Michelle Mainwaring, 62, a former Australian television model, now a British citizen, and a barrister named Philip Bree, who lives in London. Both star in mock interviews by Iranian TV, and try to lend an air of rational authority in their interviews as they methodically explain that the Olympic logo being used at this week's Olympic Games in London is in fact a conspiratorial "subliminal Zion race-supremacy logo," and part of an international conspiracy conducted by the Jews. According to Lady Renouf, the zigzag design of the logo's lettering spells out the word "Zion," and refers to Jews and Israel. The video can be seen in the UK as well as on You Tube."

State Dept. report describes ‘rising tide’ of anti-Semitism

Gaza launches missile; IDF, Egypt exchange fire
No injuries from anti-tank missile fired at tank; shooting between Egypt, smugglers accidentally draws in IDF.

Bulgaria releases photo of suicide bomber from Burgas blast
“Image is a computer reconstruction of the bomber’s features based on recovered body

Syrian rebels now have anti-aircraft missiles, NBC reports
“Weapons smuggled across border with Turkey, Free Syrian Army claims”

Mark Steyn: Taking the Jew out of Judo
But it’s a useful reminder that the Olympian “bridge for love and connection” operates to the same principles as the old gag:
One day the U.N. Secretary General proposes that, in the interest of global peace and harmony, the world’s soccer players should come together and form one United Nations global soccer team.
“Great idea,” says his deputy. “Er, but who would we play?”
“Israel, of course.”

Also, Pat Condell on The Guardian:

(h/t O.)