
Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Morning links

A national day of celebrating - terror (Stephen Flatow, NYPost)
Plus PA Honors Suicide Bombers (PMW)

Where Are the Moderate Arabs and Palestinians? (Khaled Abu Toameh)

A Muslim Zionist's quest to battle anti-Israel bias (YNet)

Photos from an Israeli prison (Real Jerusalem Streets)

Understanding the Muslim Brotherhood (Barry Rubin)

Thousands of Tunisian Salafists: "Obama, Obama, We're All Osama"

Mondoweiss posts a sob story about American Arabs being denied entry to Israel; Israel Matzav reveals what they are trying to hide

Debunking a Ha'aretz article on how many Arabs were killed by "settlers" (Hebrew, Presspectiva)

Iran and Israel Can Agree on This: Rita Jahanforuz Totally Rocks (WSJ)

Treppenwitz is always worth reading.

(h/t Ellen, Norman, Yoel, Gidon, Josh)