
Monday, January 09, 2012

Unity! Hamas accuses Fatah of political arrests

That famed Palestinian Arab unity keeps on going.

The latest accusation comes from Hamas, who said that Fatah arrested 8 Hamas members in the West Bank over the weekend - including a journalist.

They also accuse Fatah of extending the detention of other Hamas members, and of firing a teacher who is a member of the group.

One of the major issues between the two sides has been political arrests, and even while the heralded "unity" meetings are taking place - the arrests continue.

Nabil Sha'ath, the Fatah leader who traveled to Gaza last week to keep the appearance of unity going, charged  that there are still some in Hamas who do not want reconciliation between the two sides.

Naturally, Hamas responded with an angry denial, saying Sha'ath's remarks were "irresponsible and baseless."