
Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Another victim of the toy gun that "insults Aisha"

From AFP:
The owners of a Jordanian company have been charged with inciting sectarian strife for importing toy guns with voices that say "kill Aisha," one of the Prophet Mohammed's wives, a judicial official said Wednesday.

"Prosecutors in Amman charged the importers on Tuesday with inciting sectarian strife and sent them to the state security court over charges of insulting the prophet's wife," the official told AFP.

The voice in the plastic space handgun says "kill Aisha" in a clear Arabic-language reference to the prophet's wife, the official added without elaborating on the origin of the toy.

Local news reports said "authorities confiscated the toys in a shop in the southern city of Karak after complaints from citizens."

Prominent MP Khalil Attieh has demanded that Prime Minister Awn Khasawneh investigate "this heinous crime."

Aisha was a favored wife of Mohammed.
As we noted last month, MEMRI has video of what what gun actually says:

"Go, go, go! Pull over! Save the hostages!"

(h/t Dan)