
Monday, December 05, 2011

UNRWA thieves use Israel excuse to avoid getting caught

From Ma'an:
Employees of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees have initiated a boycott in Jordan over UNRWA's reported decision to buy surveillance equipment from an Israeli company.

Jordanian daily Al-Ghad on Sunday reported that UNRWA employees had boycotted the organizations' buses and minibuses after finding out that the surveillance systems on UN transportation were bought from an Israeli company.
Sounds reasonable, right? They are so ethical and refuse, on principle, to use any equipment made by the evil Zionist entity.

Then we learn:
The systems were fitted as a measure to stop employees using the organizations' vehicles for personal use.
Hold on!

UNRWA employees who are stealing are trying to avoid getting caught - so they refuse to use the vehicles that are being monitored!

But rather than look guilty...they claim they are doing it because of supposed Israeli equipment! (That part might not even be true!)

I wrote to UNRWA's Chris Gunness to get details, but he hasn't responded to any of my emails for a couple of years now.