
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hezbollah having cash flow problems?

From Der Spiegel:

In recent months, Hezbollah has become involved in disastrous investments, losing almost €1 billion ($1.4 billion). The Iranians, who are now feeling the brunt of the UN sanctions imposed as a result of their nuclear activities, have made it clear that they cannot provide Hezbollah with additional funding at this time. This is embarrassing for Hezbollah, whose image in Lebanon depends in large part on its generous social services. It is now falling behind in the rebuilding of homes it had promised to Hezbollah's Shiite followers after the destructive 2006 bomb attacks. Israel began massive bombing strikes in Lebanon that year after Hezbollah abducted two Israeli soldiers in a cross-border raid.

Western intelligence agencies believe that they have identified a new Hezbollah income source: the drug trade. Iranian weapons shipments to the Lebanese were reportedly "enriched" with large quantities of heroin and cocaine. The drugs were then allegedly shipped to their final destination, Western Europe, through the Turkish Cypriot port of Famagusta. The Iranian representative of the Revolutionary Guard in Beirut, Hassan Mahdavi, allegedly mentioned, in a telephone conversation, a "drug tsunami" that could flush millions into Hezbollah's coffers.
I'm a little surprised that Spiegel doesn't mention the large amounts of evidence that Hezbollah has been in Mexico and South America for years working the drug trade; for example this information hacked from Arizona police recently by lulzsec.

But the article gives me an idea - send pump and dump penny stock schemes to Hezbollah email addresses! You can get rich while Hezbollah loses more money!

Or a good pyramid scheme - Shahid Investments, LLC.

Bernie Madoff is in prison, but maybe he can help us set this up? Might as well use his skills for something good...

(h/t Daily Alert)