
Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Flotilla follies update

One French yacht, the Dignite, did manage to go out to sea. The flotilla activists are crowing about how they evaded the Greek Coast Guard, but, as usual, they are lying.

Here are the exciting details of how they managed to get out:
The French vessel escaped Greece on a technicality, as a pleasure craft, the Dignity is not confined by the regulations being used to block the larger Flotilla participants.

One of the passengers is tweeting in French. The passengers include Olivier Besancenot, a far left French politician.

The other flotidiots are still stuck in Greece, and being uncharacteristically quiet. Perhaps they are placing their bets on the flytilla instead.

Meanwhile, a company that had sold cement to the Swedish floatards has returned their money saying they want nothing to do with this stunt.

In a letter it sent to the Gaza flotilla organizers, the Swedish [Swiss?] company said that it had to cancel the deal due to "force majeure", and attributed the move to the Greek government's ban on Gaza-bound ships as well as to a letter by UN chief Ban Ki-moon discouraging Mediterranean countries from supporting the departure of the Gaza flotilla from their ports.