
Thursday, January 06, 2011

Pro-Israel Blog-Off contest (updated)

Israellycool is sponsoring the first annual Pro Israel Blog-off Contest. The details are:

Bloggers are invited to submit one ”pro-Israel” entry, whether it be a blog post, podcast, or video no older than 1 month. Then each week, I will pit submissions against each other. The winner, decided by a combination of reader votes and panel-determined score, moves to the next round, where they will submit a new entry to compete against another first round winner.

The process continues until we get to two finalists competing for an Apple iPad.
I have around 300 blog posts in the last month, and if I want to enter, I have to choose one.

I have no idea.

One of my posters? One of my ElderToons? Or simply one of my regular posts?

I'm thinking perhaps my "Enemies" poster, my Christmas poster, my Abbas intransigence ElderToon, my Apartheid ElderToon, or my Abu Rahma ElderToon. Or my video version of Nothing's Changed. Or my post on How to Defame Israel, NPR Edition. Or

Any suggestions or votes would be appreciated!

UPDATE: I made an executive decision, to submit my Apartheid ElderToon. I figure that Yaakov Kirschen, the cartoonist behind Dry Bones and one of the judges, might lean towards that, and no one else is likely to submit a cartoon so it makes my entry stand out.