
Monday, January 03, 2011

Israel again ranks high in world university survey (Zvi)

From Zvi:

Here's how Israeli research universities fared in the 2010 "Academic Rankings of World Universities" subject rankings.

Israel was one of only 8 countries to have universities that received top-20 "subject" rankings (US, which dominated, followed by the UK, France, Japan, Israel, Switzerland, Canada and Germany, in that order).

Subject Rankings:

Computer Science:
#12 in the world: Weizmann Institute (#1 outside of North America and of course #1 in Eurasia)
#15: Technion (#2 outside of North America and of course #2 in Eurasia)
#21: Hebrew U. of Jerusalem (#4 outside of North America, #3 in Asia)
#31: Tel Aviv University (#9 outside of North America, #7 in Asia)

Israel is the only country other than the United States that has more than 3 universities in the top 50.

No other middle eastern country has even one university that made it into the top 100.

#26: Tel Aviv University (#6 outside of the US, #1 in Asia)
51-76: Technion
51-76: Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Only 10 countries made it into the top 50: the dominant US, followed in order of appearance by the UK, France, Russia, Israel, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Canada and Italy. Other than Switzerland, all of these countries have much larger populations than Israel.

No other middle eastern country has even one university that made it into the top 100.

#44: Hebrew University of Jerusalem (#5 outside of North America, #1 in Asia)
78-100. Tel Aviv University

Only 6 countries made it into the top 50; listed in order of first appearance, these are the US, which dominated, the UK, Canada, Israel, France and China (Hong Kong). All of the other top countries have much greater populations than Israel.

No other middle eastern country has even one university that made it into the top 100.

51-75. Hebrew University of Jerusalem
51-75. Weizmann Institute of Science
76-100. Tel Aviv University

Only 12 countries made it into the top 75. All but Switzerland have much greater populations than Israel.

No other middle eastern country has even one university that made it into the top 100.

51-75. Technion
51-75. Weizmann

Only 14 countries made it into the top 75. All but Switzerland and Sweden have much greater populations than Israel.

No other middle eastern country has even one university that made it into in the top 100.