
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mel Gibson innovates a new slur against Jews

From GQ, in an interview with Winona Ryder:
A Mel Gibson anecdote: "I remember, like, fifteen years ago, I was at one of those big Hollywood parties. And he was really drunk. I was with my friend, who's gay. He made a really horrible gay joke. And somehow it came up that I was Jewish. He said something about 'oven dodgers,' but I didn't get it. I'd never heard that before. It was just this weird, weird moment. I was like, 'He's anti-Semitic and he's homophobic.' No one believed me!"
"Oven Dodgers"? Too bad the interview came out today, or else Gibson could have beat out Helen Thomas in the #1 spot of the year's Top Ten Anti-Semitic Slurs, just released by the Wiesenthal Center.