
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nominations now being taken for the 2010 Hasby Awards!

The sponsors of my planned Hasbara 2.0 talk at Yeshiva University have been telling me that the turnout would be significantly higher if I speak on a weeknight, and if I go to the main YU campus rather than Stern College in midtown as I had hoped. Since my presentation is probably a one-time only deal, and I believe it is an important topic, I gave in. The new date is December 7, 2010 - "a date which will live in infamy" - at 8 PM, and I will shlep up to Washington Heights. 

The sacrifices I make .... :-)

My presentation will introduce the 2010 Hasby Awards. Nominations for the best specific examples of hasbara for the year should be placed in the comments or emailed to me, and I will decide the winners.  After all, the best way to teach what works in defending Israel is by going through and analyzing specific examples of what works, and why.

Anyway, without further ado - start nominating!