
Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Edifice of "Palestinian culture" crumbling in the face of a novelty item

I love these stories:
Palestinian Authority Minister of Culture Siham Barghouthi said Tuesday that his ministry was investigating Israel's theft of Palestinian heritage.

Palestinian culture must be preserved by organizing exhibitions and festivals to show that heritage claimed by Israel is actually Palestinian, Bargouthi said in an interview with Ma'an Radio.

A blue version of the keffiyeh, a scarf and a Palestinian national symbol, could be found in markets with a Star of David used instead of the traditional pattern, the minister noted.

Maha Saqa, director of the Heritage Conservation Center in Bethlehem, told Ma'an Radio that a country is an accumulation of its culture, and the theft of heritage should be examined. Israel had stolen Palestine's national food, clothes and the keffiyeh, she said, adding that the modified keffiyeh, bearing the Star of David, was used in European football stadiums.
Earlier this year, even PA prime minister Salam Fayyad got into the keffiyeh kerfuffle, publicly launching a Campaign for the Keffiyeh and the Palestinian Dabka (dance.)

An Arab hip-hop artist made an entire song protesting Israel's supposed stealing the keffiyeh. And they've been complaining about this tiny company that makes the Star of David keffiyeh for years.

How can culture be "stolen?"

And if they are secure in their culture, then how could they be threatened by a novelty product?

If you want to buy one and contribute to the cultural genocide of Palestinian Arabs, the one pictured above can be bought here. A competitor whose keffiyot also say "Am Yisrael Chai" sells their products here.