
Friday, July 16, 2010

Hamas upset over West Bank booze

Clubs and bars that serve liquor has become the latest bone of contention between Hamas and Fatah.

Palestine Today quotes Hamas West Bank leader Hamad el-Batawi as saying that new bars and nightclubs that allow mixed dancing and liquor is a "heinous and reprehensible innovation", especially in the towns of Ramallah and Bethlehem.

He notes that the PA has licensed them, and the PA is dominated by Fatah, so Fatah is responsible for this shameful behavior.
Betawi said: "I condemn these shameful moves which are bad innovations, and are inconsistent with the teachings of our Islamic religion with its good morals and values, and they are contrary to our national interest."

He added: "The Palestinian people are the finest examples of resistance, steadfastness, Jihad and patience, with many martyrs and prisoners; a faithful people proud of our religion and morals and values, but for the PA to open such acts cause this great people to relapse in the mud of vice and corruption, killing the spirit of steadfastness and resistance in their sons."

I seem to remember that once upon a time there were a lot of Palestinian Christians as well, whose religion allows them to drink alcohol. I guess that their rights are nonexistent according to Hamas.