
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ancient Turkish church defaced with "Islamist graffiti"

From Hurriyet:
Police have started an investigation after a suspected group of people defaced the façade of the 1,700-year-old Mor Jacob Syriac Orthodox Church in Nusaybin, in the southeastern province of Mardin, with pro-Islamic slogans.

The offenders allegedly defaced the stone walls of the church on Monday with various slogans, such as “Clear off, bastards,” “Clear off, Zionist dogs,” “Heretics, lay off,” and “Zionist powers, clear off,” in Turkish and, “Allah u Muhammed,” and “Prophet Muhammad, fight the infidels and hypocrites,” in Arabic.

The police will fingerprint the lid of a paint tin found on the ground at the site of the graffiti and will also fingerprint the wire fence surrounding the church, which is currently undergoing restoration.

The church reportedly dates from 313 A.D. and is currently being restored by the Mardin Directorate of Museums.

...[T]he graffiti could be removed without damaging the church’s historical texture.

The church is expected to re-open its doors once the restoration project is complete.
Isn't it interesting that graffiti that is anti-Zionist is described as "pro-Islamic"?

Sort of like protests filled with people calling to destroy Israel being described as "pro-Palestinian."

Is it a cheap shot to mention that this is sort of attack is a bit contradictory to the idea of Muslim tolerance?