
Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Saudi sex braggart sentenced

Remember Mazen Abdul Jawad, the Saudi who went on Lebanese TV to brag about his sexual exploits and who got into hot water in his home country as a result?

Turns out that he received a pretty harsh sentence from the Saudi court system:
The Summary Court here sentenced Wednesday the 32-year-old Saudi sex braggart Mazen Abdul Jawad to five years imprisonment and 1,000 lashes to be executed in installments for boasting about his sexual exploits on the LBC weekly program “Bold Red Line” in mid-July.

Judge Sheikh Muhammad Amin Mirdad also confiscated the car Abdul Jawad is seen in the program using to cruise the streets looking for girls. The mobile phone Abdul Jawad said he used to hit on women using Bluetooth was also taken by the state. Once he has completed his prison time, Abdul Jawad will be forbidden from traveling abroad for five years.

Abdul Jawad’s lawyer, Sulaiman Al-Jumaie, described the verdict as “hasty and made under public pressure.” In a statement sent to Arab News, the lawyer said the case is not yet closed and that he would appeal the verdict within 10 days.

Three other men, who also appeared in the TV segment but did not make any statements, were determined by the judge to be accomplices and sentenced to two years and 300 lashes each. All four men will also be subjected to court-ordered counseling.

Saudi Arabia is a safer place nowadays, as the only way to get some quick sex there is to "marry" a girl for a couple of hours or days for money, which is of course much more moral.