
Sunday, May 04, 2008

UK Holocaust-denying professor loses job

Dr Nicholas Kollerstrom, a professor of astronomy at University College, London, has been fired for his rather interesting views.

For example, he wrote about visitors to Auschwitz:
Let us hope the schoolchildren visitors are properly taught about the elegant swimming-pool at Auschwitz, built by the inmates, who would sunbathe there on Saturday and Sunday afternoons while watching the water-polo matches; and shown the paintings from its art class, which still exist; and told about the camp library which had some forty-five thousand volumes for inmates to choose from, plus a range of periodicals; and the six camp orchestras at Auschwitz/Birkenau, its the theatrical performances, including a children’s opera, the weekly camp cinema, and even the special brothel established there. Let’s hope they are shown postcards written from Auschwitz, some of which still exist, where the postman would collect the mail twice-weekly.
Not surprisingly, he is also a 9/11 (and 7/7) "truther" claiming that both attacks were done at the behest of Zionists.

No doubt he will bitterly complain about his loss of "freedom of speech," although no one is stopping him from continuing to publish at "revisionist" sites like CODOH.