
Friday, February 01, 2008

Recent keywords that end up at the Elder

Here's a representative group of recent keywords that people type into search engines that end up finding me. I highlighted the ones that are especially interesting:

mahmoud al-khaznadar, the vice president of the federa
sumaya al khashab xxx
(from Saudi Arabia, he looked at this and this)
blow up doll video
(I get a lot of these)
damascus 1860
damascus massacre 1860
qatar religious conflict
palestinians female idf std
kill the jews
(always a classic, this time from England)
chumash quotes star of david
elder porn
(I get lots of these too)
un estimates of gaza egypt spending
un vehicles
pictures of terrorists
gaza ma'an school
bene israelis love india
the elder of ziyon
gaza greenhouses
porn arabs
(from Australia)
elders egypt killed biblical
teen slave in eu
moderate israeli arabs
subliminal rapper
rabin salem proctologist
life in saudi arabia
september 11 arab celebration middle east conspiracy
bin laden's hate for the jews
the story about the fish and the shark by gilad schalit
duty free zone, cairo
arab comedian (this is also a favorite, but people are disappointed in what they find here)
child deaths in israel
82 year old blind man hits hole in one
more arabian porn
daily life in saudi arabia
rambam chador
what is bin laden's haplogroup?